Friday, December 28, 2012

Selections, Selections, and More Selections

Yesterday was full of more decisions for our house.  Luckily, we (I) had already done a lot of looking, pinning, and discussing different ideas, which made our decision making much simpler.

We first met with Joe Bradley to review our cabinet design one more time.  The thing I am most excited about... we are going to get soft close drawers in our kitchen!  I didn't think that we would be able to afford something like this, but thanks to an unfortunate mistake made by another cabinet maker (that Joe gets to clean up), we are getting soft close drawer slides at a discount!  I am almost giddy.  If you don't know what a soft close drawer is, just wait a couple more months... I will be posting videos of some of my favorite house features!

After meeting with Joe, we had a meeting with John from Builders Lighting (who was great to work with, by the way) where we made our final light selections.  Thanks to everyone who previously provided input (here and here)!  We have recessed lighting in several of the rooms (play room, theater room, family room, master bedroom, hallways, exterior, etc) so we didn't have to make as many selections as you might think.

We also made the decision today to add a sink in the garage, which Matt is totally happy about.  The siding is almost done, the drywall has started.  Yea hooray!


  1. I like all your selections. Just a note - we installed a huge light fixture in Ike's room that is similar to the one you have planed for your kitchen island. It is great looking but doesn't allow any light upward. I would make sure to have other light sources that spread light upward too. Especially in a kitchen.

    1. Hmmm, I'm not sure what you mean by spreading light upwards. Do you just mean light somewhere else in the kitchen? We will have three of those pendants over the kitchen island, and we also have several recessed canned lights in the ceiling and lights under our upper cabinets.

  2. Perfect. The canned lights will give you the extra light at the ceiling. In Ike's room that light is the only one he has and it only goes down so the ceiling is dark. But that won't happen to you.

    1. Perfect, thanks for looking out for us! This is our first time building, so we're bound to miss/forget something.
