Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dr. Oz 3-Day Cleanse: Final Thoughts

I have had several people ask me follow-up questions to my 3-day cleanse last week, so thought I would publish them here!

How much weight did you end up losing?  After three days, I had lost 5 pounds.  It's been 5 days, and I'm still down the 5 pounds (even with Cuban food, a Christmas party, and chocolate fondue!).  I know 5 days isn't that long, but I still think it's legit weight loss.  I have three other friends that did it with me last week - two of them lost 4 pounds and one of them lost 6 pounds.

How did you feel during and after the cleanse?: Honestly, I didn't notice a difference from how I felt on a daily basis.  How are you supposed to feel after a cleanse?  I guess I can say I felt fine :-)

Were you tired at all?  I thought I would feel more tired and sluggish because there wasn't much protein, but I was fine.  I didn't feel more tired than normal.

Did you have cravings?  Nope, in fact I haven't really had any cravings since either.  I did want to "eat" something while I was only drinking all me meals, but I didn't "crave" anything like chocolate or carbs.

Were you hungry?  Not at all.  I don't think I was hungry one time during the three days.  That was a lot of food I was drinking.

Did you have problems with your bowels?  No, I thought I might, but I was normal.

Does it still work if you don't take the bath? I didn't take the bath and I still noticed results.  I think the bath is supposed to help reset your sleep clock.  I don't have any problem falling asleep, and I'm not a bath person, so I skipped this step.

What about the tea - did you drink it?  When I realized that green tea isn't herbal, I decided not to include that in my daily meal plan.  Instead, I substituted it with just warm water with lemon and stevia.

What is the purpose of the cayenne pepper?  Cayenne pepper is supposed to have a lot of health benefits, such as increasing metabolism and helping your body get rid of toxins.  You can read about other benefits here.

What about flax seed - what does that do?  Flax has omega-3 ("good" fats) as well as fiber.  You can read more about it here.

Will you do it again?  Probably.  Definitely not right away though.  But if I wanted to kick start some healthy living or needed to lose a few pounds quickly, I would consider doing this again.  I am already planning on making the breakfast shake again because I thought it tasted great, and I bought some coconut oil to try and substitute instead of butter in cooking.

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