Friday, December 28, 2012

My Ears Say Thank You

I don't like to run.  And I really don't like to run by myself... but that's what I've been doing the past couple months as I prepare for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon that is in only 23 more days!  It has been too cold for me to run outside (I'm kinda wimpy like that), so I've been running on a treadmill.  I've never been one to run with music, but I found that watching television while I run helps the time go by faster... or at least make running mile after mile more bearable.

The problem was these were the only headphones I could find.

I mean, seriously, who wants to put those nasty looking things in their ears?  Well, since that's all I've had, that's what I've been using.  Until today :-)  Thanks to Matt, I now have some amazing, new, comfortable, washable earbuds that made my 9 mile run this morning not quite as awful (I was ready to be done 2.5 miles in!)

My ears are definitely saying thank you this morning!  So now the question is... should I start trying to run with music, and then take an iPod with me to the half marathon??  There certainly won't be a television along the route :-)  Or what about listening to a book?  That might be kind of fun... wonder what music or a book might do to my pace?  Hmmmm.... I'll have to think about this.


  1. I "run" with music (actually it is more like a slog than a run). Ike burns me play lists. a few months ago i was heading up a hill and feeling very grumpy when a song with the lyric "you are amazing" came on the playlist and it reved me up and even gave me goosebumps! i like to run with music. haven't tried the audio books while running. Running is painful for me. I wonder if books would distract me from the pain enough?

    1. Maybe I'll try music for the half marathon I have coming up, and then try an audio book when I'm running "just for fun" (if there even is such a thing!). Do you have song suggestions?

  2. You should look into podcasts. I like to download stuff from the Mormon channel. Besides Gen. Conf. I like to listen to "Conversations" they are interviews with the quorum of the twelve and other Gen authorities. Audio books are fun too. Good luck with your upcoming race.
