Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 9]

Dear Tyler,

Guess what!?  You got to meet your sister today!  She has been so excited to come and see you.

The first thing she did was wash her hands and arms up to her elbows for two minutes (like we do every time we come to see you).  Gotta get rid of any germs!

I think you were ready and waiting for her, because you were wide awake when we arrived.  Of course she thought you were "so cute".  She knows that she needs to wait a little while longer to hold you, but she softly touched your cheek as daddy held you - her touch put you right to sleep :-)

I got some good one-on-one time with you after daddy took Kylee out to the waiting room.  We chatted a little about the Boise State game last night and I also read you a book.  By this time you were sound asleep, but I talked to you anyway :-)  Speaking of talking to you, I think I forgot to tell you how proud I was of your weight gain yesterday!  You gained a whopping 3 ounces, bringing you up to 3 pounds 8.2 ounces.  I try not to get too excited, because I know that number can fluctuate on a daily basis, but still, I was impressed.  The nurse told us how you nipple fed 35% of your intake (the rest was through the tube in your nose).  Not bad! The nurse also talked to me about trying to breast feed you tomorrow.  I'm a little nervous and excited all at once.  Hopefully you'll be awake enough to give it a shot!


1 comment:

  1. That picture is so precious! I'm glad Kylee got to meet him. She is a great big sister. You can already see the love. Yay for progress!
