Friday, November 22, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 7]

Dear Tyler,

Today was a big day for you!  First, let's talk about your growth... you gained 2 ounces!  I'm thinking it's all that breast milk I'm pumping for you :-)  Actually, they are adding a calorie boosting powder to any milk or formula you receive.  Anyway, the weight you gained puts you up to 3 pounds 6.7 ounces and means you were big enough today to get dressed. And you look mighty cute in your new clothes if I do say so myself.  I snapped this picture of you just as you had a giant yawn.

Part of the reason we could see how cute you look in your clothes is because you don't need the billiblanket anymore.  Hooray!  That sure makes it easier to cuddle with you.  Speaking of cuddling, your dad got some nice cuddles today.  And he even got to feed you.

Finally, you had your first ever (and hopefully only ever) ride in an ambulance today because you were transferred to the Meridian NICU.  Your dad and I were pretty excited about this.  It only takes us 10-15 minutes to get to your new home.  And you lucked out... you have your own private little room, as opposed to a curtained off section of the NICU like most of the other babies have.  Not sure how you got so lucky, but we'll take it!  And I have my own room there too, making my visits with you even that much more comfortable.  We're hoping the move wasn't too stressful for you.  The nurses tell us that sometimes babies will take a dip in their progress after a big move.  We'll be rooting for you to continue to make good progress so you can come home soon.  We love you so much.



  1. Gavin and I were just wondering which hospital he was at. So glad he's closer now!

  2. Yay! What a ton of progress - clothes, no blanket, and a private suite. SO happy things are going well. He is sure looking like his big sister. Sweet. Great pictures!
