Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 6]

Dear Tyler,

Today was a good day.  I got to hold you for quite a while and that made me happy.  You were still wrapped in your billiblanket so I didn't get to cuddle with you the way I would have liked to, but I know that will come soon.  In fact, your jaundice levels were lower than where they needed to be to take you off the billiblanket, but they wanted them just a little bit lower in case you rebound a little bit once the blanket is off.  They tell me it should be off tomorrow.

You got your IV out of your belly sometime before I came to visit today.  It's awesome that you're able to get all your nutrients through your bottle and feeding tube.  You continue to eat really well.  The nurses told me that yesterday you gained 30 grams.  That puts you at 1495 grams, or 3 pounds 4.7 ounces... just barely over your birth weight.  But the best part is that once you reach 1500 grams you get to wear clothes :-)  I am positive that you'll gain at least 5 grams today, so tomorrow we will get to dress you!

I am getting to help more with your daily care.  Today I took your temperature and I changed your diaper (this is done every three hours, right before you are fed). I had to ask the nurse if I did the diaper right because it looked kind of funny.  She assured me that I did it right... it's just that even the preemie diapers look so gigantic on you - the bottom of the diaper is down near your feet!

Finally, we made a pretty big decision this evening.  We decided we wanted to move you to St. Luke's Meridian tomorrow.  They have a Level 2 NICU there, which is where little kiddos like you who aren't really "sick" can go.  Since you are doing so well (breathing on your own, no extra meds, etc), we can move you there (as long as doctors at both facilities agree - they will chat tomorrow).  It is much smaller than the Boise NICU (20 beds compared to over 60), but it has a lot of advantages for our family.  One big advantage is that we will be closer to you all the time so can visit more often and for longer.  Another is that we, as your family, will be assigned a private room right near that NICU.  I can use the room to pump or to go to the bathroom or to take a meal or even stay overnight if I want.  The medical staff at St. Luke's Boise have been great, but I know that you'll get equally great care in Meridian.  Hopefully you'll enjoy your new room too!

I sure am looking forward to your big day tomorrow!



  1. I hope the move went well! Yay for weight gain!

    1. He was moved this evening... hooray! It will be so much easier for our family to have him that much closer.
