Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 2]

Dear Tyler,

I went down to visit you a couple times today.  I got to hold you for about 30 minutes this morning.  I gave you a pacifier (which I felt was almost as big as your face!) and you did a great job of sucking.  I was so proud of you.  The nurses tell me you are doing great.  You are breathing well on your own - nice work! Sounds like those shots I got last week may have helped your lungs.  You got to meet your Grandma and Grandpa Nye today too.  They already love you, but who wouldn't? :-)

I also got to "feed" you today.  Really, that just meant I held a vial of milk as it went through a tube into your body.  But it still made me feel good that I was there for that.  I'm also trying to pump some milk for you.  I haven't been able to get much yet, but they say every drop I can get counts.  I spend 15 minutes every 2-3 hours with a pump, and then I spend the next 20 minutes or so trying to get every little drop into a syringe.  I was so proud of these little syringes.

I took this picture of you in your bed today.  Your Grandma Hudson says you look just like your daddy did in his baby pictures.  Lucky you - you are going to be one handsome boy!



  1. This was the first picture I saw of you, Tyler and your eyes/brow looked just like your daddy! (And Kim, I treated all my breastmilk like liquid gold, so I totally get it. Way to go!)

  2. Congratulations Mama Kim! I am glad that they were able to watch signs of pre-eclampsia, and that you are both okay. Tyler is cute...and sooo tiny! He does look like Matt. Colostrum and milk are precious, and you're right--every drop counts.
