Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 8]

Dear Tyler,

You are such a trooper.  It looks like yesterday's move was pretty hard on you.  You lost 45 grams and are down to 1507 grams, or 3 pounds 5 ounces.  I'm glad you didn't lose 8 more grams or you'd be out of your clothes!  Daddy thinks that maybe you burned a lot of calories waiting for your incubator to warm up when you got to Meridian (they didn't realize you didn't qualify for a crib yet, so didn't start warming up your bed until after you got there).  Fingers crossed that you gain some of that weight back today.  I think mentally it would be hard for me to see you have another rough day and be undressed again tomorrow.  You're also not eating as much from the bottle... you've just been so tired.  I think you're trying to get your energy back. That's okay, we feed you whatever you don't eat through the tube in your nose.  I know that you'll get stronger and gain more interest in eating soon.

Tonight is a Boise State game so I stopped by the Bronco Shop across the street from the hospital and picked you up a fancy new hat.  They didn't have any preemie hats, so it's a little big on you, but I still think you look mighty handsome in it.  Did you know that you were born right in the middle of a football game?  I got to watch part of the game last Saturday as we waited for you to join our family :-)


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