Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 11]

Dear Tyler,

I was able to spend most of the day with you today.  It's interesting to try and balance how much I hold you verses how much you stay in your incubator.  You are in your incubator to help you regulate your temperature, and when we pull you out to hold you, you burn calories trying to stay warm.  I definitely don't want you burning calories - you've gotta keep gaining weight!  At the same time, you can't just live in that little box all the time, and our cuddle time is so important for both of us.  Anyway, when I take you out to hold you or feed you, I just try to keep you close to my body and all wrapped up so you stay warm.

You didn't gain much weight today yesterday - just 2 grams.  You also aren't taking as much of your milk through the bottle.  Part of that will be because when we try to breastfeed, we don't try feeding you with a bottle at all (you would be too tuckered out to try and do both).  That's okay, we'll just keep trying.  They did increase the amount of milk you are taking at each feeding to 34 ml (from 32 ml)... I think it's always a good sign when you get more food.  Even though you are getting most of your food through the tube in your nose, you seem to be handling/digesting the food well.

I continue to try and help with your care while I am visiting you... taking your temperature and changing your diaper.  Today when I changed your diaper, I wasn't fast enough getting the new one on and you peed all over your clothes and your blanket.  I'm sorry I wasn't faster... I'm blaming all of those cords I have to work around (although I'm sure that won't be the only time that ever happens)!  Needless to say, I got to change your clothes for the first time today.  I'm also looking forward to helping with your next bath which will be on Thanksgiving!


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