Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dear Tyler - [9 Months]

Dear Tyler,

You are officially 3/4 of a year old! I can't believe that in three short months you'll be one year old.

Over the last month, you've really decided you like your tongue! It is almost always sticking out.

If you aren't sticking your tongue out, chances are you're chewing on something... but still no teeth!

Speaking of putting things in your mouth, you tried a bunch of new foods this past month - sweet potatoes (your favorite!), turkey and rice, peas, spinach (mixed with carrots and peas), plums, nectarines (another favorite), watermelon, pineapple (mixed with pears), and peaches. You are up to 16 1/2 pounds, are wearing size 3 diapers, and wear anywhere from 3-6 to 6-12 month clothes (depending on the brand and the fit).

I almost don't want to mention sleeping, because I don't want to jinx us, but you are sleeping so well! You sleep through the night and have started usually taking two good naps for me a day - one two hour nap around 9:15 and a one hour nap around 1:15. It is nice to finally have a somewhat predictable schedule.

You're still not crawling, but you are definitely showing some interest. You will get on all fours and rock back and forth, and you are starting to pull yourself up on things.

Mostly, I love your happy squeals and your sweet cuddles. You make me happy.

I can't believe how much you've blessed my life in these last 9 months. I literally thank our Father in Heaven for you multiple times a day.


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