Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dear Tyler - [6 Months]

Dear Tyler,

What a month this has been for you! You went on your first trip, got your first haircut, started sleeping in your crib, and started rolling from your back to your stomach! You get so proud of yourself when you roll over. I sure love your giant smiles. You are also starting to sit on your own for a few seconds at a time and you are becoming a pretty good scooter. When I go to get you out of the crib in the morning, I often find you completely turned around from the way I laid you down... with your head where I put your feet! I have to start watching what's around when I lay you down to play.

We had a great doctor's appointment yesterday (besides the immunizations you had to get). You are now on the charts for your weight! You weighed in at 13 pounds 8 ounces. That only puts you in the first percentile, but we'll take it! Nice work buddy - you have gained over 10 pounds since you were born! You are in the 22nd percentile for your height and the 39th percentile for head circumference. Such a tall skinny boy! You're completely wearing 3-6 month clothes now and fit into a size 2 diaper. I was really excited that the doctor said we no longer needed to supplement your milk with NeoSure and that we can start you on solids! This should be an adventure :-) Are you up for some rice cereal? I guess we'll find out soon.

You are still a pretty happy boy most of the time, but you are starting to get a little needier and you have found some more lung capacity to let me know when you aren't happy. I still wonder if some of your grumpiness has to do with your teeth coming in (you always have your hands in your mouth and love to drool), but we haven't had any teeth pop through yet. Or maybe it has to do with the fact that you usually only take 30-40 minute naps. Let's work on that okay!? When you aren't happy, the meatball song is still a sure fix, but you also love being outside and that seems to calm you down pretty well too.

I sure love you.


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