Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Toy

Matt has wanted a truck for as long as I've known him. Well longer than that actually, but we have talked many  times over the last 3 years about getting a truck "one day." I knew that our 2-door Blazer wasn't practical for our family... It wasn't easy getting Kylee in and out of the back with her car seat, and I knew it would be even harder with a baby (we never even attempted to put Tyler in the Blazer). But it also never seemed like a good time to get a truck. We always had something else that seemed more important... paying off the house, paying off student loans, paying off the motorcycle and the car, saving for a down payment for our new house, and then paying off the second mortgage of our new house, paying medical bills and legal fees, etc.

With our tax return this year, and the fact that we decided to sell our motorcycles (sad day!), we decided we had enough of a down payment that we could handle the monthly payments on a truck. But the thing that tipped the scales & got me to agree that we could finally get a truck was our family trip to Rexburg and that I wanted to be a to sit by Tyler to help keep him happy on the drive.

We are loving the truck... especially Matt and Kylee, who never want to take the car anywhere anymore :-)

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