Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Biggest Loser: Final Week and Recap

Last week was the final week of our Biggest Loser competition.  Here was our final challenge:

Week 12 Challenge:
Pick three of the following to give up for the week - carbs, sugar, dairy, or caffeine (if you do this you earn 10 points).
Log as many points as you can with exercise
1 mile walk/run = 1 point
1 mile on the elliptical with no arms = 1 point
2 miles on the elliptical with arms = 1 point
2000 meters on the row machine = 1 point
4 miles on the bike = 1 point
The team with the most points at the end of the week wins!

Of course when I see a challenge like this, the competitive nature in me comes out... I ended up logging 25 points of exercise from Monday through 7am on Friday morning, and of course I got my food points (I didn't give up dairy for the week)... bringing my total to 35 points!  My last big push came on Thursday when I went to the gym three times: from 6-7am, from 6-7pm, and from 8:30-9:30pm.  Phew!  Glad last week is over :-)

So, overall, I lost 4.9%.  Didn't reach my goal, but wasn't awful either.  I'm hoping that as I ramp up for this half marathon that I will be more motivated to be healthy!  Oh, and in case you're wondering, of course my team won overall.  We will be celebrating with a team dinner at Brandee's house next Monday!

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