Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 20]

Dear Tyler,

You are just growing right before our eyes.  You are up to 4 pounds 4 ounces, or almost an entire pound since you were born almost 3 weeks ago.  You are also starting to find your voice... you aren't crying much or anything (thank goodness!) but you are starting to make little noises with your mouth when you are awake, mostly when you are feeding.  My nurse told me a little story about how when she had her first baby, her nurse told her that if the baby makes noises like that they will be a talker later on.  I guess we'll see!  I wouldn't mind that :-)

Speaking of being awake, you're starting to do a better job of waking up when it's time to eat.  You are still pretty sleepy during the day, but the night nurses tell me you do a great job of being wide awake for your feedings at night.  Let's work on switching that schedule before you come home, okay?!


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