Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dear Tyler - [NICU Day 19]

Dear Tyler,

I was one proud mama today - my morning update from the nurses told me that you took 59% of your food yesterday through your mouth!  That's AMAZING!  There was even one feeding late last night where you drank the entire bottle!  Keep it up!  Nursing today wasn't quite as successful as yesterday (as far as how much you drank), but you sure did a good job of sucking.  You really fooled me - I was convinced you got more milk than you actually did.  That's okay, though.  You are trying so hard.  Here's a picture of you on the scale before one of your feedings.

I love how your cheeks are starting to fill out a little bit.  I'm sure that will help you to eat better!  You're also starting to outgrow the preemie outfits that the hospital is putting you in.  You are still so tiny, but you are pretty long so your legs hardly fit in them.  They'll be putting you in newborn clothes soon... I'm thinking they will look pretty big on you, but maybe they'll be more comfortable and allow you to stretch out!

I hope you're enjoying the pictures we have up in your crib.  Did you realize that your sister Kylee drew the family picture for you?  She's becoming quite the artist.  Since she can't come visit you, she was pretty excited to see this picture and hopes you like what she drew.

Have I told you lately how much I like to cuddle you?  I could seriously cuddle you all day long.  I don't think you would mind that at all :-)


1 comment:

  1. I love, love, LOVE these pictures of Tyler! He is soooo cute and it is fun to see one where he's awake!
