Thursday, February 7, 2013


Packing an entire house sure is daunting... especially when I've lived here for 9 years and we combined households a year ago.  I just feel like we have so much "stuff"!  We started packing a box here or a box there a few weeks ago, but with just 4 weeks until our move, now is the time to kick it in gear.  I am trying to pack anything that we won't need for the next few weeks, and kind of taking the opportunity to purge things we don't need anymore (although I don't usually keep things we don't need, so I haven't really been getting rid of much).

I really like the paper boxes my dad has been bringing me each week - they are sturdy, the perfect size, and I don't need to do any taping!  I've been careful to label the side of each box with what room it needs to go to and what specifically is inside the box.
Matt is thinking we will move slowly... that we will move most of our stuff the weekend we close, but that we'll slowly move the rest of our belongings over the next couple weeks.  I am convinced (and determined!) that we will get it all done in the two days we have planned (moving what we can the first day on our own and letting the movers we hired take care of everything else, including the furniture, the next day).  I don't want to drag out the process, so I figure the more I prepare now, the better!  Fingers crossed for a smooth rest of this home building/financing/packing/moving process.


  1. I hope you get it all done quickly too, moving is such a pain! I can't wait to get a Skype tour!!!

  2. Thanks! I am just hoping these next four weeks fly by. I just counted and I already have 51 boxes packed. Still have a ton left to pack... I better start looking for more boxes and newspaper, because we're going to need it!
