Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hit and Run

We had a super cold winter... and unfortunately before the perma-cold hit, it snowed, so we had snow and ice everywhere for weeks.  Living on a corner has its perks, but not when there's snow (lots of extra shoveling), and apparently not when it's icy either.  One freezing cold day as I was leaving for work, I noticed that someone had hit our fence!  My guess is that they took the corner too fast for the conditions, because I could see tire marks through the snow right up to the corner of our fence.  Two fence pickets fell down completely and one cracked in half.  Bummer.  I was especially irritated that they didn't even leave a note.  I did find their hide-a-key in our snow that I'm guessing fell off with the impact.... I thought about tracking down the make and model and then driving around looking for a car/truck with some front-end damage, but decided not to waste my time :-)  Anyway, this picture was taken after most of the snow had melted, just before Matt and Kylee re-attached the three pickets.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry! That is no fun. I'm glad Matt was able to put it back together. I have realized what you mean bout the sidewalk during winter though . . . we had thought about buying a house on a corner and all I can say is that I am so glad we didn't!!! We definitely would have needed to buy a snowblower if we had. Definitely a lot of work!
