Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tyler Lately

I have several pictures of my littlest kiddo that I wanted to post, so thought I'd do a little update on him.

Back in Tyler's 18 month post, I talked about his hives and his upcoming allergy testing. We did end up running several tests on him. We started with a "back test" where they expose you to different foods you could be allergic to. It's a pretty quick test, just 20 minutes. The only thing that came back positive for Tyler was a mild allergy to egg whites. The follow up blood test showed the same thing.
The doctor wanted to do a peanut butter challenge just to make sure that there was no peanut allergy. This was a 3 1/2 hour appointment in the doctor's office where they had Tyler eat peanut butter in increasing doses every 30 minutes or so and monitored him for any reactions. He passed with flying colors. We are thrilled his hives must have simply been from a virus and that we don't have to worry about food allergies with him. I was also pretty proud of how well Tyler did during his doctor's appointments. He colored, read books, played with the iPad, played with stickers, etc.

Playing with stickers has definitely become one of Tyler's favorite activities. As you can tell from the above picture, he not only likes to put them on paper, but also likes to put them on his face, arms, etc.

Tyler also enjoys playing with the Light Bright. We have been lucky that Tyler doesn't really put things in his mouth. It's fun watching him move the pegs around the board. The Light Bright can keep him entertained for quite some time.

I've mentioned before that Tyler likes to help me unload the dishwasher. Well now, instead of handing me the silverware, he insists on putting it in the drawer himself.

The other day, I told Tyler we needed to put on his shoes so we could go to the store. I found him like this, wearing his dad's shoes and all ready to go. Such a cutie!!

Tyler is mostly sweet, but I've started having some issues with him. First, he has started hitting. I have no idea where this came from, but I'm having a hard time with it. I'm not sure the best way to deal with it. I tell him hitting isn't nice and I have tried several things to try to get him to stop, but we haven't had a ton of luck. He has also started throwing some pretty big tantrums, mostly when I make him stop doing something he likes (i.e. when we leave the park, when we leave his cousins' house, when we leave grandma's house, etc). I am not sure what to do about these tantrums either. He screams and cries and flails around and it is often difficult to get him to calm down. I hope these are just phases that he will grow out of very soon, because I hate it when he gets like that!

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