Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gestational Hypertension Woes

I've hesitated to write this post, mostly because I don't want to sound ungrateful.  So I will start with how truly grateful and excited I am that I am pregnant and have a little one growing inside me. Pregnancy truly is a miracle, and I couldn't be happier to welcome our little boy into the world in a couple short months.  I know that any of the struggles that I go through now will be totally and completely worth it when we get to hold our little babe in our arms and cuddle him and love him.

But pregnancy hasn't been all peaches and cream for me.  I was sick all day, every day from week 7 until about week 24.  The sickness has subsided a lot over the last seven or so weeks, but up until last week, I was still throwing up several mornings a week.  On top of that, I've had the most horrible acne, had to deal with the stress of the bright spot on the baby's heart (that they will recheck in an ultrasound at week 37), and I've developed pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel, so my hands go tingly and numb throughout the day.  I get to wear lovely wrist splints while I sleep, which has helped the numbness at night, so that's good.

The hardest part for me, though, has come more recently.  When I went in for my regular checkup a couple weeks ago, my blood pressure was high.  The doctor was concerned I might have pre-eclampsia and so I had some blood work that was sent to the labs to check on that.  Thank goodness they came back clear, but she has since diagnosed me with gestational hypertension.  Basically, from what I've read, it's high blood pressure without protein in the urine.  It can cause complications with low blood flow to the placenta.  I've also had lots of swelling.  I feel like an elephant and my new running shoes don't even fit on my feet anymore!

Sooo... I don't know exactly what all this means.  I do have to start weekly ultrasounds and twice weekly non-stress tests next week so they can keep a close eye on the baby.  And from what I've read, they will often induce labor at 37 weeks (which is just 6 short weeks away!).  I don't know if that will be the case with me - I assume it will all depend on the baby's growth and overall health.  My doctor has also asked if I can cut back on my hours at work, so I have a call into the HR person to talk about that.  I just pray that our baby will be fully developed and healthy when the time does come to deliver!


  1. Hang in there honey! You will be ok and so will your sweet baby. Being a mom isn't for wimps and you are proving that right now! Love you.

  2. Oh Kim I am so sorry. I have faith you and your little one will be okay. When I was pregnant with my first I had REALLY high blood pressure. Every appt. they would have to check it twice because the first time it was too high. They would then say it was okay. I didn't know too much with it being my first. I was really swollen and huge. I remember 2 months before she was born I looked like the Pillsbury dough boy and I could only wear flip flops that were 2 sizes bigger than what I normally wore. My family as worried, but I didn't know anything. The day before my due date I finally had protein in my urine so they sent me to the hospital to maybe be induced. While there they checked my blood pressure and I was 190's over 110's. I was BAD. They finally induced me. Anyway, what I am saying is I seemed to have the same thing you did without any diagnosis from my doctor. My baby was born on her due date at 40 weeks and she and I were just fine. I know it is hard and SO uncomfortable but I hope this gives you hope. You are strong and so is your little one. Keep praying and the Lord loves you. You are doing great things!!

    1. Thanks for the support Becca! It's nice to hear stories of people who carry to full term and have healthy babies. We had a little scare this week because they found protein in my urine during one of my doctor's appointments, but after a 24-hour collection, my results came back normal. Phew. I still have a little ways to go, and hope to keep this little baby in there as long as I can (well, preferably until December 30th or 31st!).
