Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Purse Doubles as a Silverware Drawer

What's that clanging in my purse, you ask?   Well, that's just my portable silverware drawer :-)  Matt makes fun of me for this, because on any given day I can pull several pieces of silverware out of my purse to add to the dishwasher (the picture above is what I pulled out of my purse this morning).  I really have a good, logical explanation.  You see, I take snacks/lunches to work... since I feel like I'm almost always in meetings, I take this food to my meetings, which means I need to bring along silverware.  Often, I can just throw away the food container (most commonly a yogurt cup), and then I just throw my spoon into my purse so I can return it home.  I used to take plastic ware and then just throw my eating utensil away along with my food container, but I'm trying to be more frugal and green, so there you have it!

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