Monday, November 21, 2016

Birthday Kids

It's kind of fun having Kylee's and Tyler's birthdays so close together. We have celebrated each year with a family get together. Kylee gets a "friend" party every year, alternating between us and her mom for who organizes it. I don't think we will do a party every year with Tyler... in fact, I wasn't really planning on starting friend parties this young at all! But with Tyler's obsession with superheroes and his love of playing with friends, I decided to do a little superhero play date. We made invitations and invited a couple of his neighbor friends. We only did a couple small activities (i.e. pin the web on spiderman), and then the kids just ate pizza and played. It was fun to have everyone over... Tyler has missed his friends since it's no longer "scooter weather"!

A quick update on Tyler:

  • It is rare that we have a day where he doesn't wear some type of superhero costume. He insists on wearing them to the store, to the doctor's office, to grandma's house, etc. He knows every superhero by name and we have made up a little superhero song about any superhero imaginable.
  • Tyler still has a hard time sharing with his little brother, but then at times he is so sweet, offering hugs and kisses freely. Tyler still throws fits (usually when we leave somewhere that he doesn't want to leave), but they aren't as frequent and don't last as long.
  • He has the BEST imagination of any toddler you'll ever meet.
  • Tyler is one smart kid. He knows all his shapes and colors and can name any vegetable or animal or anything else you ask. He does VERY well with staying in the lines when he is coloring. He has started to recognize some of his letters and can tell you a couple of their sounds. We will be working more on letters this next year.
  • He wishes he could ride his scooter year round, even if it's raining or freezing cold outside. He also LOVES friends and adores his big sister.

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