Friday, November 6, 2015

First Lost Tooth!

Kylee has been soooo anxious to lose a tooth. She told me how she was one of the only ones in her kindergarten class last year who hadn't lost a tooth. Well, she finally lost her first tooth last month. She came home from school with a little "treasure box" that held her tooth. Of course she had to write a note to the tooth fairy before she went to bed. Take a look at these demands!

In case you can't see the picture, her note says:
Rite me a note back and rite me a leter every week. And put feet marks on my wall. And rite me your name on this piece of paper.

Wow, she expects a lot from her tooth fairy! The "tooth fairy" tried to sneak in several times during the night, but Kylee woke up each time. Matt made up excuses as to why he was in her room (i.e. I was checking to see if the tooth fairy had come yet)... I don't think Kylee slept a lick because she was so excited! The tooth fairy ended up leaving a note outside her door that she couldn't come in and take the tooth because her dad was up all night walking around the house and she didn't want to get caught (Matt was on a night shift schedule). The tooth fairy ended up sending her on a scavenger hunt. She got a gold dollar coin at each of four spots in the house. Lucky girl! She would have only gotten a dollar if the tooth fairy had been able to actually go in and take the tooth!

As for the note every week, the tooth fairy left a note one week later saying that she was very busy but that she would write Kylee a note when she lost her next tooth. That seemed to satisfy Kylee... phew!

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