Saturday, November 15, 2014

Kindergarten - Trimester 1 Recap

I can't believe school is already 1/3 over. Crazy! Seems like just last week we were taking Kylee to her first day of school.

Walking Kylee to school is probably my favorite part of my day. I don't know what it is, but it just melts my heart! 

Here are a couple pictures I've snapped. The first picture is of Kylee with Ruby and Halle. The second is of Kylee with Wyatt. For a while Wyatt was Kylee's "best friend" and they played together before school and at every recess. She now tells me that she likes Luke. I think we might have a little flirt on our hands!

Kylee's teacher, Mrs. Ireland, is wonderful. Kylee loves learning, and we got only glowing remarks about Kylee at parent teacher conferences. Here is some of Kylee's school work. I think it will be fun to see how she progresses over the year!
Kylee's Coconut Tree
Kylee learned the following sight words: red, blue, orange, green, black, brown, gray, pink, yellow, purple, I, a, go, like, mom, and dad.

1 comment:

  1. Man! I have smart nieces and nephews! The bar has been set high. Keep it up, Kylee!
