Friday, April 18, 2014

Dear Tyler - [5 Months]

Dear Tyler,

Another month has flown by and you are now five months old! You are sweeter than ever. I love how you are almost always happy. My favorite part of the day is first thing in the morning. You wake up happy with a smile on your face and "talk" to me the entire time I am getting you ready for the day. You especially love getting your diaper changed & being naked. 

We love making you smile and laugh and are almost guaranteed a big smile when we give you "airplane rides" or when we help you stand on the counter or table. You have cute dimples that show up every once in a while when you smile really big.

Lately you always want something in your mouth. You frequently try to shove your whole hand in your mouth, but will also chew on toys,  blankets, burp cloths, etc. Here you even tried to eat Daddy's nose! I can already see several teeth under your gums but none are popping through yet (thank goodness!).

Usually if you cry, it is because you're hungry. But every once in a while I can't figure out what's wrong. I have a fail-proof way of getting you to calm down... play this YouTube video of "On Top of Spaghetti", or "The Meatball Song" as we have come to call it. It works every time! By the way, no other song seems to work... I've tried many!

You have beautiful blue eyes and long eyelashes. Kylee snapped this picture of you when you guys were playing together (she loves playing with you and trying to get you to smile!) that shows your eyes pretty well. I am almost positive your eyes will stay blue.

You have several nicknames. I often call you "Little Man" and Kylee likes to call you "TyTy" or "Little Boy". You've started to really like toys and books and are pretty good at grabbing/holding things. You started rolling from your stomach to your back (although you don't do it often) and have almost rolled from your back to your stomach but aren't quite there.
You are still pretty little - right around 12 pounds. It's hard to believe you've almost quadrupled your birth weight! You wear mostly size 0-3 month clothes and are still in a size one diaper. Speaking of diapers, you've been in cloth diapers now for an entire month! When you're wearing cloth diapers, I've sometimes started putting on size 3-6 month pants just to fit over them because they are quite bulky.

All in all, you make me one happy mama. I feel so blessed that I get to stay home with you all day. I don't want to miss a single moment.


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