Thursday, February 27, 2014

Play Dates

I know I mentioned before that Kylee has weekly play dates with Laura, but I wanted to post a quick picture. Here they are making playdough pizzas. Laura is dressed up like a princess. Kylee didn't put on a princess dress because she said she was a ninja :-) They are such good little friends.

I decided play dates are awesome not only for Kylee, but for me too! When she has a friend over, I have a couple hours where I can get some chores done around the house or make dinner or just veg with Tyler and not feel guilty about not keeping Kylee entertained. Laura's mom and I have an arrangement that Kylee goes to her house every other week for the play date, so I can even get a nap in if I want!

This week, Kylee also had her friend Murphee over. I'm going to see about scheduling for her to come over more often - Murphee just lives two houses down!

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