Friday, January 24, 2014

Getting So Big!

Look who's wearing his first pair of jeans! After weighing in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and measuring 21 inches long yesterday, I decided to officially bust out the 0-3 month clothes. He technically still fits in newborn clothes, but I was getting tired of the same old outfits, so it's fun to have a whole new wardrobe :-)

Tyler had his 2 month immunizations yesterday - five shots and one taken orally. I felt so bad for him. He was sad almost all day - I think he had a bit of a fever and he slept a lot as we cuddled him. He seemed to be feeling better by last night, though, so that was good!

One thing I think I've failed to mention is how much Tyler dislikes his car seat. Almost every time we take him anywhere (which isn't often because he's still supposed to be home bound for another month or so), he just cries and cries. It's no fun for anyone! One day I needed to run a quick errand to return something to a friend's house... but after putting Tyler in his car seat and not being able to calm him down, I just gave up and decided not to go anywhere. That being said, he seems to be getting better! I had a meeting last week and he was quiet all the way down to Boise State. And then just this Sunday, he was so good as we drove to grandma's house for dinner. It was pretty cute - Kylee told him that because he was being so good I would give him some milk when we got home :-)

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