Monday, June 1, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

We were excited to have Kylee for Memorial Day weekend this year. We loved spending the extra time with her (we got to pick her up Friday after school instead of Sunday morning). We took full advantage of the weekend, starting things off Saturday morning with a crepe breakfast at my mom and dad's house. It was extra fun to be able to see Beki and Bryce and baby Ellie. We planted some flowers and did yard work that afternoon and then finished off the evening with a pizza party at our house with my family.

Unfortunately Matt had to work Sunday and Monday afternoons/evenings, so he didn't get to enjoy the rest of the weekend with us, but we still packed it in! Sunday evening, Kylee, Tyler, and I, along with Mandi and her kiddos went to Merrill Park in Eagle. We started off by checking out the Field of Honor, where flags stood to honor those who had fallen in the service of our country. It was nice to be able to remind Kylee why we have Memorial Day and to silently thank those who fought so bravely to protect us. After checking out the flags, the kids loved playing at the park, along with the hundred other people who had the same idea :-)

We spent Monday afternoon/evening with Matt's family at the zoo. Tyler missed his afternoon nap in order to join us, so it was a little rough, but we still had fun. He didn't seem to have much interest in the animals, but did think the slides, the climbing areas, and the merry-go-round were pretty cool. His favorite part of walking around was pushing the wagon (that I had specially borrowed to pull him around in!).

We ended the evening with a picnic in the park, followed by a little play time.

And one final picture - Tyler was pretty tuckered out from all our weekend adventures and totally zonked out in the car on the way home... poor kiddo!

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